Consumers improving their financial literacy
The Kino Financial team is ready to help you invest in your future

Kino Financial believes that financial literacy is the foundation for financial success. Having a solid understanding of credit, debt, and financial systems can help you to efficiently organize your life, be more proficient with your finances, and accomplish your goals faster. The faster you can pay off your debt, the more you can invest in your future. To assist you in developing your financial knowledge and skills, we provide a variety of free online resources that can help you manage your money more effectively. These resources can help you make important money decisions and provide information on how to overcome your financial challenges and achieve financial well-being.

Provided by Receivables Management Association International, is an online resource for all ages to learn more about important financial topics in every stage of life. Whether you want to learn about a specific topic or just explore what there is to learn, this resource provides entertaining videos, instructional programs, interactive games, and more to help you build knowledge and make healthy financial decisions.

Financial literacy leads to great savings
Financial literacy leads to great savings

Provided by Receivables Management Association International, is an online resource for all ages to learn more about important financial topics in every stage of life. Whether you want to learn about a specific topic or just explore what there is to learn, this resource provides entertaining videos, instructional programs, interactive games, and more to help you build knowledge and make healthy financial decisions.

Financial literacy can help you save money

This helpful resource provides important information on the five building blocks for growing and managing your money, called the MyMoney Five, that include Earn, Borrow, Save & Invest, Spend, and Protect. Provided by the Federal Literacy and Education Commission, strives to help consumers make independent financial decisions that build financial resilience while also providing information for youth, educators, and researchers.

Your credit report is an important financial tool and understanding your personal credit report is an important part of making financial decisions and protecting your credit. Provided by Experian, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus, allows you free access to your credit report as well as resources and tools that can help you understand credit reporting.

Woman looking at her credit report
Woman looking at her credit report

Your credit report is an important financial tool and understanding your personal credit report is an important part of making financial decisions and protecting your credit. Provided by Experian, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus, allows you free access to your credit report as well as resources and tools that can help you understand credit reporting.

Complaint Resolution

Your feedback helps us to continually improve our services. If you would like to submit feedback or a complaint regarding our company or one of our servicers, please contact our compliance officer directly. 

Amber C. Russo
Certified Receivables Compliance Professional (CRCP)
Certification Number: P1810-1295
[email protected]
Additional Consumer Resources Provided by RMAI


Our team is available to discuss our services
and current financial opportunities.